Tuesday 5 May 2009

Marriage and other momentary lapses of reason.

A headline in the news today:

Rabbis urge Israel to limit foreign wives.
This line in particular made me chuckle:

"The authorities should apply restrictions to guard the honour of Israel's daughters," wrote Rabbi Nahum Gortald, the head of the tribunal. "It is inconceivable that a man leaves a spouse whose beauty bears the traces of time for a younger foreign employee," he said.

The other point - that any issue from a marriage between a male Jew and a female non-Jew would result, technically, in Goyim - was delicately overlooked in the report. I mean, it isn't as if the Rabbinical courts have a great history in standing up for the rights of slighted women, after all...

Then I found this:

Rabbi: Older bachelors must leave Jerusalem.
According to Rabbi Ya'akov Yosef - son of Ovadia, Spiritual leader of Shas - "Only a Yeshiva student who studies Torah has an exceptional permission (sic) to postpone marriage, if he fears that marriage might distract him from his studies. But normally, one must not delay marriage till after 20, and those who do had better leave Jerusalem and go study somewhere else."

Like Tel Aviv, that licentious cesspit of bacchanalian delights?* Where, heaven forbid, they might end up marrying some Shiksa from the Phillipines? I think some Rabbinical co-ordination is in order here...

(hat-tip - http://religionandstateinisrael.blogspot.com)

*I quite like Tel Aviv


thebookmistress said...

Thanks, I am going to try the whole "spouse whose beauty bears the traces of time" thing on my lord and master, the next time he is drooling at some 20-year-old. Wonder if it'll work.

x said...

Good luck. On my part, I must remember to try the "lord and Master" bit on Mrs Goy. She'll probably kick me out into the street...

Mo-ha-med said...

"..for a younger foreign employee".
Oh, so for a local foreign employee, they'd be cool with that?

x said...

I'm guessing you mean "older" rather than "local"...who knows?